Thursday, May 8, 2008

Живопис и мозайки

І. Мозайки

1. Мозайки от Олинт, края на V в.

Painted reproduction of pebble mosaic from the Villa of Good Fortune at Olynthus, detail of Thetis greeting Achilles, 420-410 B.C. Painting by Baron von Peschke. See D.M. Robinson, Excavations at Olynthus part XII, (Baltimore, 1946).

2. Мозайки от Помпей

а. "Александър и Дарий"

Alexander fighting Persian king Darius III. From Alexander Mosaic, from Pompeii, Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale

ІІ. Живопис на дърво и стена

1. Табличките от Пица

Pitsa Panels
Unknown painter, circa 540-530 BC. National Archaeological Museum, Athens

2. "Пир" в гробница от Пестум

Symposium scene in the Tomb of the Diver at Paestum, circa 480 BC.
Wikipedia - "Art in ancient Greece", "Alexander the Great"

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